Rd 4 U11 v Bally

Our first real test, or close game, of the season. The kids are continuing to improve and find their feet, or more importantly their positions. They created heaps of chances but were unable to capitalise in the first half, leaving the score at 0-0. The goal finally came in the second half, but they could only put the single one away to the ever reliable SamM.

It was good to have a close game to keep them on their toes, and also good to come out unscathed. The next test will be Kiama, followed by Oak Flats who were both first grade teams last year. It’s difficult to pick form as the first few weeks were during school holidays where lots of the teams played short, or with borrowed players. We’ve been pretty lucky with having most of our players available.

Let’s hope we can keep the ball rolling, or more importantly passing.


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