PHOTOS Saturday 12th May

Link to Sport Packs

The time at which you need to have your players assembled, paper work finalised and the photo ready to be taken is indicated in red. This means you need to tell your team to be at Cawley Park at least 10 min prior to the time indicated in red.

Please be mindful of the fact that people need to get to matches. Your lack of organisation could become someones elses pain!!!!

We have arranged it so most teams have their photo taken before they play and have allowed for travel times. Please note; U13G.1 & U15G.2 play on Friday night and it was decided by the committee due to time constraints to have U6 & U7 teams have their photo after their matches (they will need to come back to Cawley Park).

In the event of wet weather photos will be taken in the Community Hall. I will communicate this on Friday night if we have to decide on this. All photos will be taken near canteen/ammenity sheds.

Parent Info Flyers have been given to Managers to distribute. This outlines the packages available and their costs. Managers need to complete the envelope re the packages being purchased. All monies need to be placed in this envelope. Please inform all members of your team yhey are required for the group photo whether they are purchasing a packeage or not.

TEAM AGE Timeslot
Russell Vale Green 8 Nor 7:20
Russell Vale White 10 Whales 7:50
Russell Vale White 8 Nor 8:00
Russell Vale Green 9 Lions 8:10
Russell Vale 11.3 8:20
Russell Vale 11.4 8:30
Russell Vale Yellow 8 Nor 8:50
Russell Vale Green 10 Ants 9:00
Russell Vale 13.1 9:30
Russell Vale Green 7 NC 9:40
Russell Vale White 7 NC 9:50
Russell Vale Yellow 7 NC 10:00
Russell Vale Red 7 NC 10:10
Russell Vale 15G.2 10:20
Russell Vale 13G.1 10:30
Russell Vale Yellow 6 North 10:40
Russell Vale White 6 North 10:50
Russell Vale Green 6 North 11:00
Russell Vale White 6 North 11:10

Here’s a link to the Info on the packages available

Link to Sport Packs