RVJFC COVID-19 Return to training procedure

This procedure has been developed in conjunction with the FNSW ‘Return to Training’ Guidelines and the NSW Government Health Orders in place at the time.
A return to training is voluntary for Coaches, Managers, Parents and Players.


All coaches are responsible for the following:

• Records of attendance are to be maintained for each training session via the provided attendance register and emailed to the Club Secretary (insert email address) after each session. Please include in the subject line the team name, date, and time.
• All sessions take place at the location and time as per the updated Training Schedule advised by Club and can be found on the club’s website.
• All sessions will be reduced by 15 minutes.
• Coaches should be in attendance for no more than 15 minutes prior to and after each session.
• No more than 10 people including the coach are to be involved in a training session.
• Squads bigger than 10 players will need to be split into two groups of no more than 10 people including the coach. (Each group will have their own coach).
• Each group will have one quarter of a pitch to train and must keep to its allocated space. There is to be no rearranging of the groups during training.
• Sessions do not include any contact, specific heading drills and throw ins.
• No bibs are to be used.
• There should be no spitting. Goalkeepers should use water bottles to wet gloves.
• No one other than the Coach should assist with packing and unpacking training session equipment.
• Coaches must clean all training equipment (including goal posts if used) upon completion of the session with disinfectant.
• Coaches should mark out positions, no less than 1.5m apart, at the side of the pitch for players to place their water bottle, hand sanitiser, clothing, ball, etc.
• All players remain 1.5m apart upon arrival and at all times during their time at the training grounds and until their departure from training.
• Players will be encouraged not to shake hands.
• Players are reminded that there is to be no sharing of drink bottles.
• Players should apply hand sanitiser during drinks breaks.
• Changing rooms are not to be used.

• Toilets will be open but will be limited to the 4sqm meter as per the Public Health Order. (insert your clubs requirements based on toilet size, eg 2 people at a time in the male and female toilets).
• Any player that shows symptoms of COVID-19 during training will be asked to return home and not participate.
• Coaches should not attend training if they show any symptoms of COVID-19 and in the event they do, and no other coach is available to take over the session, the training session will be suspended immediately.
• Online training is available at https://www.health.gov.au/…/covid-19-infection-control-trai….
• Please, if not done so already, download and install the COVIDSafe App to your phone. https://www.health.gov.au/reso…/apps-and-tools/covidsafe-app.
• The club will have a response plan in the event of any confirmed infections, and this will be implemented if required.
• If a Coach does not wish to recommence training for medical reasons or any other reason, please contact the club as we understand and respect that there may be individual circumstances that need to be considered. The club will endeavour to find another coach to undertake training.


Managers are required to assist the coach in the following activities:

• If more than 9 players turn up to training and the team does not have a 2nd registered coach, the team manager will be required to assist the coach in running the 2nd group in the training session.
• To assist the coach with completion of the attendance sheet (pens and clipboards are not to be shared)
• To ensure that parent remain within the car park.
• Isolate junior players identified with symptoms of COVID-19 until their parent or carer can take them home (if necessary, parents should not be dropping off junior players and leaving).
• Online training is available at https://www.health.gov.au/…/covid-19-infection-control-trai….
• Please, if not done so already, download and install the COVIDSafe App to your phone. https://www.health.gov.au/reso…/apps-and-tools/covidsafe-app.
• If a Manager does not wish to recommence training for medical reasons or any other reason, please contact the club as we understand and respect that there may be individual circumstances that need to be considered.


• All parents are required to discuss the procedure with their children.
• All parents will not be able to attend training sessions and will have to remain in the car park (preferable in their cars).
• All players are to have their own drink bottles that are clearly labelled.
• Players are reminded that there is to be no sharing of drink bottles
• All players are to attend training with their own sanitiser which is clearly labelled.
• It is paramount players maintain 1.5m distance at all time and hand shaking is to not occur between players or coaches.
• Players upon arrival must leave their drink bottles and sanitiser at marked points for each player which are 1.5m apart from each other.
• Players are to arrive at the training ground no earlier than 5 minutes before and must leave training no more than 5 mins after the end of the session.
• Miniroos are to be escorted to the training session by ONE (1) parent, guardian, or carer. Once the Miniroo player has been stationed by his or her marker, the parent, guardian, or carer must return and stay in their car
• All training sessions will be reduced by 15 minutes (to ensure no cross over of teams arriving and leaving.
• Players are to arrive at the ground in their training gear and will not have access to the change room before or after training.
• Players are not to touch training equipment (poles, cones, etc).
• Bibs will not be used.
• There should be no spitting. Goalkeepers should use water bottles to wet gloves.
• Any players or parents that need to go to the toilet will be limited to the 4sqm meter requirement as per the Public Health Order. (insert your clubs toilet restrictions)
• Players should not be sent to training if they show any symptoms of COVID-19 and the players will be excused from training immediately and may not return until advised to do so by their GP.
• Any player that shows symptoms of COVID-19 during training will be asked to return home and not participate.
• Please, if not done so already, download and install the COVIDSafe App to your phone. https://www.health.gov.au/reso…/apps-and-tools/covidsafe-app.
• The club will have a response plan in the event of any confirmed infections, and this will be implemented if required.
• If a player (or parent) does not wish to recommence training for medical reasons or any other reason, please contact the club as we understand and respect that there may be individual circumstances that need to be considered.

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