COVID 19 and Return to Training information

Hello Russell Vale and friends

We are pleased to inform you that effective from 12.00am on Friday, 22 May 2020, Football NSW will be lifting the temporary suspension of football as it relates to TRAINING ONLY.

Recently all RUSSELL VALE JUNIOR FOOTBALL CLUB Coaches and Managers have been emailed information about the new rules and regulations required by all so we can start training again. Could you please get in contact with your teams parents/players and let them know this information as well as training days & training times.

If you are unsure of who is your coach or as a coach you are unaware of who your players are , please contact the club ASAP and we can help you out. All enquiries can be made by email or

Below is some information and attached are some flyers from Football NSW which include new rules and regulations for before , during and after your teams training sessions.

The impact of COVID-19 has resulted in the suspension of all football activities since early March. Since this time, the
priority of Football NSW has been to safeguard the health and wellbeing of the community and to undertake its social
responsibility to do everything it can to slow down the spread of COVID-19.
COVID-19 is mostly likely spread through direct close contact with a person while they are infectious (usually face to
face contact for at least 15 minutes; or being in the same closed space for at least 2 hours). Given that football is played
outdoors, the risk of infection through playing sport is minimal, and now with the rate of infection greatly reduced, it is
time to cautiously reintroduce football related activity in a staged approach.
The conditions set out in this document are in line with government directions as at the date stated above. This document
and its conditions will be amended in accordance with any future government directives.
These guidelines provide for the limited return of football training. Training for groups greater than 10 people and playing
matches is still not permitted under public health guidelines and is not sanctioned by Football NSW.
In starting training, we need to satisfy participants, volunteers and their families that it is safe to do so, and to ensure that
venue operators (typically local councils) and others are satisfied that your club is taking reasonable steps to keep people

We want to give you a clear set of steps that will allow clubs to ensure that they meet the requirements to:
• Have gatherings of no more than 10 people at any time,
• Have appropriate social distancing of at least 1.5m between people at all times,
• Allow for at least 4m2 for all participants at all times, and;
• Maintain reasonable levels of hygiene to minimise the risk of infection.
These are guidelines, not regulations.
Our duty of care to our participants is to take all reasonable care to keep them safe. Clubs need to be able to demonstrate
that they have done so and our guidelines and complementary resources are designed to help them with that process.
To further aid the fight against COVID-19, Football NSW supports the Australian Government’s COVIDSafe app and
strongly encourages all members of the football community to get behind this initiative. The app can be downloaded
from the Apple App store and Google Play.


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