Hi All,
Not sure if you are all aware or not but the following people and positions will be vacant in 2014;
President – Michael Benn
Treasurer – David Hughes
Grounds – Troy Bray
Canteen – Hayley Smart
Could we please put the word around and get people thinking about whether they wish to step up and fulfill these roles.
I am confident we can fill the Treasurers role as I have 2 people who have indicated they wish to take up this role in 2014. I am willing to step up to President but someone would have to become Secretary and do all these emails and stay on top of the day to day running of the club. I am also more than happy to continue to fulfill my current role.
Canteen – this has been our big money earner this year with for example the canteen takings being $600 last weekend and $1000 the previous weekend. Hayley has done a great job to get the Canteen so profitable and this is a role we need someone from our rank and file to step up to take on in 2014.
Grounds – as per canteen. Troy has done a great job over the years fulfilling this role and we again need someone from the rank and file to step and take this one on as well.
Steve Smart
RVJFC Secretary