Every year, Russell Vale Junior Football Club holds the Luke Kerr Gala Day. All teams are invited to participate and for the last 10 years around 20 Teams each year, from around the association, have joined in to make this gala day one of the best in the district! Places fill up fast so to avoid disappointment RSVP early to secure your spot!!
It would be appreciated if all RSVPs of acceptance or otherwise be sent to our Secretary as soon as possible. Should you have any other queries email the above address.
When confirming attendance, please supply a contact phone number and email address for the respective coach of the attending team so that notification of cancellation due to wet weather or change in the draw can be done ASAP.
Upon arrival to the ground would the coach/manager of each team please register at the Officials Table near the Canteen 30 minutes before kick-off for our first game at 8.30am.
If for any reason you can’t make it on the day, please advise the club as soon as possible so that the draw can be adjusted for the benefit of the other teams.
The usual BBQ and canteen facilities will be in full swing!
Your participation in attending our memorial day for our former player, Luke Kerr, is valued. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!