Last Sunday was a nominated day for gala days within the region and what a spectacular success it was at Cawley Park for our annual Luke Kerr Memorial Gala Day. Thank you to all players, parents and supporters of the Under 8 Teams for your wonderful contribution to a very successful day for the Club! We also had our under 7’s play down at Albion Park and they had a great day and loads of fun as well. Well done to both age groups and parents and supporters!
Upgrades at Cawley Park
Electrical work has been undertaken over the last few days which has brought our electrical systems up to today’s standards. With this update, our switch for lights for main fields will now be located outside of sheds in locked metal case. This switch was originally found in the western sheds. Steve Smart and myself will co-ordinate cutting of padlock key and distribution to those who need to gain access to switch for night time training and games. This will occur over the next few days. Also we have had benches placed in the main field technical areas for the comfort of players and coaches. The Committee is considering options for covering of these areas at the moment.
Club Merchandise Sales
Great to see Tony Maddox our equipment officer taking plenty of orders for our range of club merchandise again last weekend. With the weather cooling down now is the time to look at our range Club jackets and beanies and also this year with the help of Jen Bray our new Club Scarf which can be purchased at the canteen for the low price of $8.00!! See flyer in newsletter for full range of Club gear and all enquiries can be made to Tony Maddox on 0418419821 or at
RVJFC 11.3 vs. Tarrawanna
RVJFC 3 vs. Tarrawanna 0
RVJFC 11.4 vs. Helensburgh
RVJFC 3 vs. Helensburgh 0
RVJFC 13.1 vs. Wollongong Olympic
RVJFC 2 vs. Wollongong Olympic 1
RVJFC 13.1G vs. Albion Park
RVJFC 3 vs. Albion Park 0
RVJFC 15.2G vs. Albion Park
RVJFC 0 vs. Albion Park 3
Professional Coaching for SSG teams
Something unique to RVJFC is having professional coaches attend our regular training sessions. The committee has agreed to and budgeted for 2 x 1 hour team training sessions with professional coaches in season 2012 for all Teams. The Coaches come from FNSW High Performance Unit and have proven highly successful over the last few years with their involvement in our training sessions. The SSG professional coaching sessions will commence on Monday 14th May and have been planned to take place in teams normal training times days etc.
Team Photos
Official Club Team photos have been booked for Saturday 12th May. Your coach and or manager will let you know when team photos have been planned. Please be there 10minutes prior to photo timeslot to ensure day runs as smoothly as possible.
The Round 5 draw is on the website. Most team’s draws are now on the FSC website which you can access via a link on our club website.
Under 10 age group (BBQ/ Canteen/ Ground control) set up and pull down under 10 field.
Under 9 set up and pull down the field.
Coach/ Managers will be sending out rosters etc. to be filled and please remember that it is all parents responsibility to assist with ground duties when it is their nominated times/ days. It is a small amount of time in the context of the whole season and your assistance and involvement will be much appreciated.
A ground duty plan for the full year was approved by the Committee at Club Meeting on Tuesday 1st May and has sent to all Coaches and Managers for implementation.
Michael Benn
RVJFC President.