First of all thanks to the parents for their wonderful efforts setting up the grounds, running the BBQ, and staffing the canteen. Your efforts were very much appreciated.
Another good win for the U11s. 4 -1 against a fellow division 3 team from last year. We scored all 4 goals in the first half. A hat trick to SamM and one to Matty D. We started like a house on fire but the heat soon took it’s toll. They had a few break-away chances and took one of them in the second half. I felt we pressured them a lot more than the scoreline showed. SamL pulled up lame after a hard week at scooter camp and din’t take part.
TK, Jas and Dean played thier whole game in defence and are starting to get forward and attack, when the opportunity is right. The trick is the timing. Matty, Will and Reuben ran well in the first half before the heat, and probably the School holiday festivities, took it’s toll in the. Matty’s goal was a great one with a lot of passing, Will to SamM, and back to Matty D in free space, the ball sailing over the goal keeper giving him no chance at all.
Braeden and Thomas had half a game in goal each and both made some solid saves. Thomas had his run in the defensive line and Braeden took to the outfield up front.
Jacob and Mark played half a game up front and half in defence, both played very well. If there was such thing as a coaches’ award Mark would have definitely taken it out with his passing, something all the kids will work on throughout the year. Ryan played well in the forst half in his most comfortable position – UP-FRONT-ON-THE-LEFT sending across a few bombs for the defenders to deal with.
Well done everyone. Next week is out litmus test against last year’s division 2 Grand Finalists Port Kembla, at Port Kembla.