The Official Registration Days are over but we are still have vacancies in some age groups
How much: $50 for U6 and U7, $90 for U8 to U18 (family discounts available)
What to bring: New regos need to bring a copy of a birth certificate or other ID. All children need to come to the hall so we can re-take everyone’s photos.
What you get: Shorts and socks for new registrations; Insurance; 18 weeks of Football; End of season trophy and Presentation Day activities.
What else: We will also have caps, Beanies, Drink Bottles, Socks and Shorts for sale.
To speed up the registration process we have attached all of the relevant registration paperwork to this post. Simply print them out, and follow the instructions below. This should make everything run more efficiently on Saturday. Remember, the kids will be required to come down to have their photos taken. We have a new registration system this year, so everyone will need their photos taken.
Fill in the detail on page 1 of the rego form as best you can, don’t worry about the FFA number as we’ll have that on file. We’ll use the e-mail address you provide on this form to send out communications, please print clearly!
Here is a link to the insurance paperwork, fill out the detail on the bottom of page 1. We’ll keep the bottom part that you have signed.
Insurance forms
You must read and understand the FNSW and FSC Codes of conduct. This explains how you, and the players, and coaches and managers, are expected to behave when attending games and training. You will be asked to sign a declaration to show that you agree to these terms.
We have this great web site that we like to use to keep people informed on what’s happening around our club. Occasionally (and hopefully more often this year) people send in photos of the kids and we like t post them with their stories. To do this we would like your approval. On the declaration form below let us know if you approve of this, or not.
The Committee put a lot of effort into running the administration of the club, to allow all the kids to enjoy football. It’s not the job of the Committee to be staffing the Canteen, or being the Ground Marshals each week. We need parents to help out. We will be running a roster where each team is allocated the ground duties for the whole morning. It means each team (or age group for SSGs) effectively runs the ground for two, or maybe three, mornings over the whole season. It’s a system that’s worked pretty well in the past. By signing the declaration you are agreeing to help out with ground duties when your team is required to help out.
We will only apply to host Friday night games (U12 to U18) if the whole team agrees to provide adequate Ground Control and staffing for the Canteen. This will mean a minimum of four (4) parents from the team helping throughout the night, including ground setup. If parents fail to turn up to attend then we will cancel Friday night games for he remainder of the year. The Team Manager will be expected to collect these forms and submit them to the Committee on behalf of the team.
Welcome Letter from the President and Secretary……